7/08 Married the love of my life 8/08 Went off BCP 11/08 Progesterone supplements to induce period 3/09 Progesterone supplements to induce period 4/09 Clomid 50mg, No O 5-6/09 Clomid 100mg, No O 7/09 Clomid 150mg, O! 7/09 HSG, ultrasound (18mm follicle on CD15) 8/09 BFP! 9/16/09 8 wk ultrasound, strong heartbeat
LH: Luteinizing hormone OPK: Ovulation Predictor Kit O: Ovulation HSG: Hysterosalpingogram (tube flush) HPT: Home Pregnancy Test POAS: Pee On A Stick hCG: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (pregnancy hormone) CD: Cycle Day
We are on stop #4 of our East coast trip and loving every minute of it. From a familiy wedding in the STATE of Delaware to Central Park, we've seen quite a bit in these last few days!
You look gorgeous, Emily! Glad you're having a great time!