Monday, July 27, 2009


Waiting for the Dr. to call sucks as much as anything. As much as I try to occupy myself, knowing she could call at any time now has my heart beating faster and my stomach doing flips. I really don't know how to prepare myself for either scenario. Either its a cyst and we have to take some time off, but it could possibly give us some answers about whats going on, or its not a cyst and all this extra worry was for nothing.

So far this month, no positive OPK. I'm on CD 18 today. I'm starting to lose a little hope that things are actually going to work this cycle. I had really high hopes for this month, with the HSG and 150mg of Clomid and all. One possibility is that maybe I have been ovulating much past what is "normal". I'm considering holding off telling the Dr. that I haven't had a + OPK yet just to see if maybe its still on its way.

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