Thursday, September 24, 2009


Well, just when I was feeling like I may escape the nasty part of "morning" sickness, it hit me -- vomit. I wouldn't say I have felt great these last several weeks, but I was quite proud of not having lost my lunch. I've been nauseous on and off all day, but I've learned some tricks and have been managing. The vomit, though, put me over the edge. I commend women who do that everyday of their first trimester, and some their whole pregnancy. I'll be 10 weeks tomorrow which feels pretty good. I'm hoping what they say is true that after these next couple of weeks that I'll start to feel better.

Acne. I was one of those fortunate enough to know nothing about acne as a teenager, much less as an adult. Now, my face looks like that of a 16-year-old. I'm kinda bummed about it in all honesty. They hurt and, despite my attempts to cover those big red things up, they look like they hurt too. I know I'm going to have to start taking better care of my skin. No more going to bed with my makeup on I suppose. Or does that even matter with pregnancy acne? Thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there EK!!!! I was one of the lucky ones who was sick my whole pregnancy! I was, believe it or not, still throwing up...IN LABOR!!!!!! As far as the face part, for what it is worth, someone suggested Cetaphil for me and it worked well, also it is very mild! Hope you feel better soon!
