Sunday, May 16, 2010

She's Here -- Our Birth Story!

Almost 5 weeks later, I'm back and ready to catch up!

Saturday, April 24th, 2:20 pm, 7 pounds 6 ounces, 21 1/4 inches: Happy Birthday Olivia!

That Friday night Kyle and I watched the second Twilight movie and ordered Pei Wei -- a typical Friday night in the Lugg household. I looked at him at dinner and told him to consider the thought that tonight might be our last night "alone" in the house. He really thought she was going to wait until her induction Sunday night, but humored me anyways. As easy as it is for me to say this now, I really had a feeling that she was going to come either Friday night or Saturday.

Sure enough I woke up at about 5:30 am Saturday (the day after her due date) with some pains that I hadn't had before. I had been having contractions on and off for weeks, but nothing that felt like this. Something had to have been happening before seeing as I was 4 centimeters dilated that Monday before she was born! Anyway, I was pretty sure this was it, though, because the pains were beginning to wrap around into my back. At 6:00am, I woke up Kyle and told him I was 90% sure it was time. I said 90% because lets just say this wasn't the first time I woke up Kyle to tell him I thought I was in labor. Its true what people say, though, that when you know -- you know.

He leapt out of bed and to his feet about as quickly as you could ask. He was remarkably lucid, too, for being jolted out of bed. My first instinct then was not to call the Dr. yet, but to jump in the shower. All I knew at that moment was that I wasn't going anywhere until I got a shower. Granted, it ended up being a quick one, but a shower nonetheless.

After the shower I called the Dr. and waited...and waited...and waited. After two phone calls in 30 minutes, no return phone call, and contractions that were 5 minutes apart, we got in the car and headed for Riverside about 7am.

By the time we got to Triage, I was starting to feel the contractions pretty good. No kidding because I was almost 5 centimeters at that point. After all the standard pokes and prods, we were admitted and in our Labor and Delivery room by around 8:30am. The much anticipated epidural came by about 9:30am and I was sitting much more comfortably by then.

Once we got all settled and the nurse did her thing, she told us that it was a good time for us to rest not knowing what was ahead of us. A nap sounded pretty good, even after a "full" nights sleep. Kyle brought the recliner over next the bed and we both got comfy. As the nurse left the room she told me to be sure to call her if I, at any point, felt the need to push. No sooner did Kyle and I both settle into our napping positions when I got the urge to push, go figure.

By 11:16am, the nurse was ready and in position to help me push. The next 3 hours, yes I said 3 hours (and 4 minutes, but who's counting), there was lots of pushing, pushing, and more pushing. Then at 2:20pm, Olivia Claire was born into this world.

That moment will be forever burned into my head. We are completely head over heels in love with our little girl. She is precious in every way and we couldn't feel more blessed.

Friday, April 23, 2010

40 weeks

Happy Due Date, Olivia!'s time for your birthday:)

Even though her birth is impending (whether it be today, tomorrow, or Sunday at her induction), it almost doesn't seem real. I can imagine what it 'might' be like to see her for the first time, and what she 'could' look like, but it seems so out-of-body to imagine this is REALLY all about to happen.

You spend so much time anticipating getting pregnant. Then you worry for the first 12 weeks about having a normal pregnancy, and then the next 12 weeks you spend thinking about everything you have to do to get ready for this new person you are bringing into the world, but it still seems so far away. And THEN, one day, you are here. Big, uncomfortable, and anxious just waiting for the pain that says "it's time" or for the clock to tick down to your scheduled induction.

We have exactly 2 nights, or less, in this house as it is. Starting next week we'll have another person that LIVES here. I swear, for something so common, and natural, it seems so abstract to me.

Can't wait to meet my baby...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Ok, so as of Monday I am 4 centimeters dilated and all the way effaced. Thats right, 4 whole centimeters.

We have an induction scheduled for Sunday night at 9pm, but I'm really hoping we don't need it. The doc said given my stats that I'm not increasing my risks for anything, c-section included, by inducing before the traditional 10-days are up. In fact, she thinks either way its going to go pretty fast given all the progress that I've made on my own. I just would prefer Olivia decide its time on her own, but if she hasn't made that decision by Sunday it looks like I'm going to have to make my first motherly executive decision.

So, here I am, on Wednesday, just waiting...and waiting. This part is hard! I feel like a ticking time bomb. The planner in me is freaking out. What if Kyle is in a meeting and my water breaks? What if I want to run to the store and my contractions start? Yeah, I am known for over-analysis -- this situation is definitely not exempt.

Soon. Soon...

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Ok, so I'm now almost 3 centimeters dilated and nearly ALL the way effaced. I'd say it's time, right?

I finished my last night of class last night and tomorrow is my last day of work. Of course, now every little pain I feel I'm sure its labor. I'll know for sure, right? Thats one of my biggest fears. I've had so many Braxton Hicks that I fear I won't know the difference. I hope my water breaks. Not just because that means Olivia will be on her way, but because it's a sure fire sign it's time!

Doc had me schedule an induction...just in case. She says since I'm already so far along on my own she would feel comfortable doing it as soon as the weekend right after my due date. So, for now, we have an induction scheduled for next Sunday, April 25. I REALLY don't want to have to use it, but her next suggestion was April 30 so the 25th sounds pretty good in comparison.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Is it too early to be impatient? We still have the better part of 3 weeks left and truthfully, right now, that seems like an eternity.

Went to the Doc this morning. Apparently I'm 90% effaced now, but still only 1 centimeter dilated. She said that could mean soon or it could mean "a few days after my due date". Huh? Late? Ick.

Monday, March 22, 2010


1 centimeter dilated

80% effaced

Head - LOW (no wonder my groin feels like I just ran a marathon!)

Doc said she'd be surprised if Olivia made it to her due date. What have your experiences been?
Today marks the first of my weekly appointments. Up until about a week ago I was overwhelmed by the idea that we were getting so close. However, now, I'm so excited I can hardly stand it. I'm sure some of my fears will resurface once I'm actually in labor and this is really all about to happen, but for now, I feel so ready.

I'm sure some of this new feeling has to do with the fact that I can't sleep, I'm uncomfortable, my body aches, I have to pee every 15 minutes, and I'm back to being nauseous in the mornings. Things definitely could be worse, I realize that, but at this point, I'm ready to not be pregnant anymore and hold my baby in my arms rather than in my tummy.